Notification of establishment closure 10 days after notification of establishment decision

■ Solution date: April 2003 ■ Job title: Engineering / office work / Full-time employees
■ Length of service: 1 year and 6 months ■ Men and women

Notification of establishment closure 10 days after notification of establishment decision. Regardless of the closing date one month ahead, at the same time as the notice, clearly indicate the waiting at home and order Tokyo relocation. There was a situation that had to be closed in just 10 days.
In the ballroom, the reason for the closure was the poor performance of the Kyushu sales office. However, I did not think that there was a business situation that had to be closed in just 10 days, and there was a very unnatural movement such as refusing to work with a notice of closure. Truth seems to have noticed that the employees have moved to the union building, and has taken the initiative to shut down the office. Therefore, the 5th unity was parallel, and the negotiations broke down. The company agent has applied for the local labor committee in order to convince the company. In the media, we agreed and settled the retirement conditions close to the union request.