Due to the circumstances of the dispatch destination, the scheduled work day has been changed to a holiday.

■ Solution date: September 2016 ■ Type of job: Operator ■ Number of years of service: 3 months ■ Male temporary employee

The union members were dispatched as call center operators and contracted 24 hours a day, 4 days a week. However, due to the circumstances of the dispatch destination, the Bon Festival and the autumn large consecutive holidays “Silver Week” were all closed.

Requested to compensate for the wage for which the holiday was increased in violation of the contract, at least exceeding the provisions of Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act (average wage of 60% or more).

In addition, the former wage system was required to use the same payment method as before because the deadline and payment date were unilaterally changed due to inconvenience.

The employer responded that they would be compensated for all wages on holidays. The wage payment method was carefully explained about the need to change again, so we decided to accept the change and settled.